Siegfried Kit by Vapefly

Siegfried Kit by Vapefly

Review by Jen_Turista

Vapefly and German 103 Siegfried Kit- Now that’s German Engineering!

Hello folks! Jen here and back at you again for another hardware review! This time, we will be looking at the Vapefly Siegfried Kit, which was sent to me for the purposes of a review from (much love, Joyi!). Sourcemore is one of the biggest online vape suppliers out there that also provides other services to businesses including wholesaling and drop-shipping. They sell all kinds of vape gear and run serious promotions from time to time, so be sure to check them out for your vaping needs!

The Siegfried Kit is another product from a very successful collaboration between Vapefly and German 103, producing hit releases such as the Kriemhild Sub-Ohm Tank. Who are German 103, you say? Well, being completely honest with you, I didn’t really have a great deal of information about them until I looked into the background of the Siegfried. I was imagining a group of bearded cloud-chuckers tinkering with build decks and armed with laser engravers! Funny as that image was in my head, they are actually a German charity comprised of vapers pushing for people to switch from smoking, which is a cause very close to my heart being an ex-smoker myself (huge admiration for you guys at German 103!). For me, the trademark of the partnership between Vapefly and German 103 is producing quality and innovative products. So, as I review the Siegfried, I ask myself if my opinion will still hold true?

This kit has been released for several months already, but as we do in these reviews, we want to look at vape gear and supplies that will be of interest to those in the vape community. It was relatively expensive at its release, however, these days some can be had for a bargain, e.g., I believe Sourcemore currently has a promotion on them (use SEIK for a cheeky discount).

As always, my review will be from my own personal experience as an average vaper, as most of you reading will be.

Packaging and Contents

I was sent the retail version of the Siegfried Kit. Boy, oh boy! They have pulled out all the stops with everything they included in the kit:

  • Siegfried Mod.
  • 1 x 18650 Adapter.
  • Siegfried RTA. This was the star of the show for me.
  • A spare glass.
  • 2 x Ni80 Mesh Wire Strips (0.2 ohms).
  • 2 x KA1 Mesh Wire Strips (0.2 ohms).
  • A prebuilt Clapton coil.
  • Accessories such as a screwdriver and coil rod.
  • Spares such as gaskets, o-rings, screws.
  • User manual for the mod.
  • User manual for the RTA.
  • Wicking guide card for the RTA, showing you instructions to wick mesh and traditional coil.
  • Warranty Card.
  • Battery Safety Card.
  • The German 103 card giving information about their group and listing all members.
  • And a lovely artwork sticker. I am not sure if this varies between kits, but the one I received illustrates a machine of a man wielding a sword in front of what appears to be a dragon.

The kit comes in a box with the usual information printed around it, like kit features, warnings, Vapefly’s socials, and others. The kit name is embossed on top of it, and what’s unique about this packaging is unlike most that I’ve handled, it actually doesn’t have a photo or representation of the actual kit anywhere on the box. Underneath this pliable box is a hard, solid cardboard box with a tab you’ll need to pull to reveal the kit contents. There is also an inner tab on the foam where the tank and mod sit that help reveals a slimmer, inner box that houses all the accessories and paperwork. All in all, I am very impressed with the packaging and off the bat, it already presents itself as a premium device.


Salient Features of the tank and mod include:

  • Both just smack of intricate design and workmanship, with CNC engraving around the stainless steel tank and mod.
  • A whopping 7mL capacity to the RTA, which can be built with mesh or traditional coils (I’ll go more into that in a bit).
  • Leakproof tank with anti-dry burn system. Of course, I have put this to the test!
  • The 99 mm x 25 mm mod does NOT have any USB port. You will need to use an external battery charger, most definitely.
  • Mod runs in bypass mode. It is protected (with 3S Chip) although unregulated.
  • Mod accepts 18650, 20700, 21700 batteries. I highly recommend using a 21700 battery like the Molicel P42A in this mod (this is what I used) so that the cell will be able to handle the power demand, especially this being an unregulated mod.


A. Siegfried Mod

I know, I usually start with the tank first in my kit reviews, but the Mod portion of this review will be shorter than usual. The mod is unregulated: it does not have wattage control or the buttons that come with it, does not have a screen, doesn’t even have a USB port and everything else that you would expect in modern regulated mods. It is as simple as: one button that is used to fire it and to turn it on and off (5 clicks, the usual). The LED around the button informs the user of the battery life remaining: green is 3.8v and above, blue is 3.4v-3.8v, red is below 3.4v). In short, if you run your regulated mod in bypass mode, then you will get how this mod runs.

As mentioned earlier, it does come with a chip to offer the usual safety features. The inside is also lined with plastic for added protection. The battery is installed and removed from the bottom, with the use of the bottom cap which has vent holes. Battery alignment is clearly marked on the underside of the battery cap and inside the mod.

The attention to detail in design really jumps out with this mod. That CNC engraving just looks so pleasing to my eye, and it is not covered in branding for a change! In fact, you will only see the word “Siegfried” on the battery cap and behind the mod at the bottom. Well done guys, well done!

But how does it perform? I can say that this mod is paired perfectly with the RTA. It fires without delay and delivers the power I expect. Actually, I even tested the Siegfried RTA with a regulated single 21700 mod and staying within the recommended wattage range of the coil installed gave me somewhat a slightly cool vape. Whereas, using the Siegfried mod on the same RTA set-up, the vape is powerful and warm. This is why I said that the mod is perfectly paired with RTA, in my opinion.

The only cons I have with the mod is that the button really protrudes out. It doesn’t even have a lot of travel. If they were to do an upgrade, this is one area I’d recommend redesigning. It’s not problematic, don’t get me wrong, but at the same time it does stand out. Another is that when I first got the mod, it was covered in glue in some places (removable, of course). Now, this will be down to manufacturing and QC rather than design, but as I did find this, it is then part of my review.

B. Siegfried RTA

Siegfried RTAThis is one long fella! It measures about 70 mm tall and 25 mm wide, perfectly fitting the mod that has the same diameter. With its height though, it then becomes awkward to pair it with, say, box mods. For something that looks this big, it is really not a heavy RTA. It feels solid, has functional knurling in the right places, and has the branding engraved on its top part. With the black version I received, the branding is almost stealthy!

Everything in the RTA, from the drip tip to the build deck at the bottom, fit into each other perfectly. The top cap is undone by a quarter turn, which is my preferred method of filling atomisers. The tank is mostly made of metal, with a tiny glass section where you can view your liquid level. Now, some people might see this is as a negative, but I truly don’t with the way I vape! I don’t really fill my tanks to capacity if they are over 2 mL, mainly because I like changing flavours ever so often. The way I used this RTA was to fill it up to about halfway, and that will last me an entire vape session.

The honeycomb-style airflow control at the bottom works flawlessly with just the right amount of restriction as I adjusted the airflow. I vaped the RTA with all holes fully open most of the time, closing down some holes if I wanted a warmer or fuller vape.

Before I get to the build deck section, I wanted to mention the drip tip. It has a metal knurling around it, which may not be to the liking of other vapers as it could collect grime and can feel cold to the lips. It’s not something I have a problem with though, but that’s probably because I religiously clean my atomisers every time I re-wick (at least!).
Now on to building! Long story short, this was dead easy to build! If you have ever built or used a mesh rebuildable, you may have some misgivings with the strip bending, wicking, and the horrible dry hits. I can tell you, categorically, that I had no dry hits with this RTA whatsoever with the mesh coils or even the traditional coil.

Siegfried RTA Mesh CoilBuilding mesh in this RTA involves the usual bending of the coil and clamping them into the posts. However, wicking is a little different because the build deck does not have any wicking wells. Instead, the e-liquid is pushed underneath and into the cotton via the liquid channels on the side of the atomiser. Neat, huh? No more cutting the cotton 45 degrees, tucking the ends in, and all that jazz- you’ll just need to trim the cotton a few mm over each side of the mesh strip, and you will be golden!

At this point, I want to mention a few more things I did that I think helped with the mesh build. For one, the cotton supplied with the kit (which is what I used) is a little too thick in my opinion. I tore off about a fifth of its width and it fits underneath the mesh nicely. It was thick enough to constantly be pushing juice up to the coil (hence, no dry hits). The other thing is to ensure to trim off enough of the cotton, (no matter how wasteful you may think it is) so that the tank will sit on the deck without pinning any of the cotton down (I hope my description made sense!). The juice channels feeding the deck are on the side of the RTA and you’ll need to make sure that these are not obstructed.

Building with the traditional coil involves clamping the leads and tucking the wick ends to the holes in between the clamps. Again, really easy and the only thing different from traditional coil building is where you put the ends of the cotton.

Along with no dry hits, I am also pleased to tell you all that I have experienced no leaks whatsoever despite the position of the airflow holes. Again, just amazing engineering and design here by Vapefly and German 103!
My only con? The build deck spins, and so when building, you will need to take the finished build deck off the mod/ohm meter you are using and screw it on to the rest of the RTA. I am not quite sure why the deck was designed this way, but I did find this a little annoying.

C. Coils and Flavour

Siegfried RTA Coil and WickUsing the Ni80 Mesh Wire Strip, the vape was flavourful although, in the first few puffs, the vape was slightly not as warm as I expected. It still gave a full-bodied vape and the warmth increased as I did more puffs. Overall, a decent coil with a flavour I’d give a rating of 8/10.

Using the KA1 Mesh Wire Strip, however, what a revelation! It hits so quickly and is so full of flavour. It is also warmer than the Ni80 strip, and definitely my preference between the two provided strips. Flavour is 9/10 in my book!
Both coils/strips have a 50W to 60W recommended range, which is useful if you will use the RTA on a regulated mod. This range won’t really matter though with the Siegfried mod working in bypass mode.

Lastly, using the provided Clapton coil, my experience of it was OK as it gave a good enough vape. However, I would much rather use the mesh strips with this RTA. I feel that although it was provided, the strength of this RTA is how well it works with mesh strips/coils.

Overall: Yay or Nay?

Most definitely a Yay for me! I loved using the kit as an ensemble. It is not exactly pocketable, but it is not terribly heavy even with a 21700 battery inside. In fact, I took it with me on a few trips, with the kit inside my jeans back pocket when I am walking.

It is a kit for vapers who want a solid mesh RTA experience. Before I took my first puff, I was sort of dreading the awful mesh dry hit which thankfully did not come at all throughout the time I reviewed this kit.
The RTA is by far, the best mesh RTA I have ever used in terms of engineering. I only wish that it were a tad shorter so that it wouldn’t look so out of place on top of a box mod.

The mod working in bypass mode was absolutely fine for me. I only noticed a drop in performance when the red LED light comes on (below 3.4v), which was expected. The mod was also quite gracious with battery life. It took me about a little over a day before I had to recharge/replace my cell.

It feels great in the hand, looks the business too! What’s not to love?

To pick up the Siegfried Kit by Vapefly, check it out at Sourcemore and don’t forget that code.

Again, my sincerest thanks to Joyi and Sourcemore for sending me this kit for review!

This review was written by jen_turista who is very active within the vape community. You can go give her a follow on Instagram and Twitter.

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