Heisenberg & Pinkman by Vampire Vape
A double E-liquid review today with two of the most popular and talked about E-liquid’s from Vampire Vape. This is Heisenberg & Pinkman by Vampire Vape. These flavours continue to be really popular amongst...
A double E-liquid review today with two of the most popular and talked about E-liquid’s from Vampire Vape. This is Heisenberg & Pinkman by Vampire Vape. These flavours continue to be really popular amongst...
We are now onto the last juice in the ‘djinni’ range reviewed on the site, this one is Berry Crush by Decadent Vapours. There are currently 8 flavours within this range and so...
Today is the first review from an eight E-liquid line named ‘djinni’, this one is Raspberry Dripple in that range from Decadent Vapours. DV are based in Swansea, UK and have a very popular...
Today we visit another E-Liquid from the Aureum range, this is Oliver by Aureum Vape Co and supplied by Hand Picked Vapes. Hand Picked Vapes originate from London, UK and started the business following...
Today we’re reviewing an E-liquid from the range of a UK company, this is Pink Haze by Doozy Vape Co. Doozy have many juices in this range, as well as a few other ranges;...
Today, we’re reviewing another in the line from a UK company. This one is Cast-away Coconut by Vape Dodo. This is number 3 in a current 4 E-liquid line (soon to be 5). Vape...
Today, we continue reviewing the TPD Gold range by EV. This one is Retro Bottles by Exceptional Vapes. There is currently 12 E-liquids in this line and they also produce short-fill liquids and a...